
Making a charitable gift to 世纪挑战基金会 is an important and personal decision. The satisfaction of giving comes from knowing that you are investing in the lives of individuals, as well as businesses and communities that benefit from an 银河app苹果版 education.

The information provided in our giving options may be useful, but you should not consider 它是法律或税务建议. 你应该联系你的律师、税务顾问或会计师 有关详细信息,.



The 银河app苹果版基金会 gratefully accepts gifts and contributions that can be allocated 跨越各种各样的兴趣.




The lasting impact of bequests -- both large and small -- have helped shape 银河app苹果版 today. For many alumni and friends of 银河app苹果版, a charitable bequest is the easiest and best way 给学院做一份礼物. 通过你的遗嘱或其他遗产计划,你可以 name 银河app苹果版 as the beneficiary of a portion of 你的财产, or of particular assets in 你的财产. 许多最有影响力、影响最持久的礼物都是遗赠.

遗赠有很多原因. 遗赠可以让你尊敬所爱的人 while providing critical support to the College through a scholarship fund, or another 基金承销研究及教学.

Giving by bequest costs nothing now, yet it may give you a great deal of satisfaction 知道你未来的礼物将永存.

今天就填写你的意向声明! (PDF)



The Legacy Society recognizes those donors who are honoring Metropolitan 社区 上大学是他们最后的愿望. 他们与学院关系密切,想要自己的 遗产将继续. 遗产协会的成员对学生有着持久的影响 谁参加银河app苹果版. 遗产社会没有等级之分. 会员资格属于人民 who provide required documentation to 世纪挑战基金会 of a planned gift, including:

  • 遗嘱或可撤销信托中的规定
  • Life income gift (charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust or charitable 领导信任)
  • 退休计划
  • 人寿保险单受益人指定
  • 终身财产赠与(不动产剩余权益)

We can assist you with a customized proposal that looks at which planned gift best 满足你的慈善和财务目标. 如果你打算指定银河app苹果版 在您的遗嘱中,我们的官方遗赠语言是

"I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to the Metropolitan 社区 College 基金会, Federal Tax ID # 51-0181875, [written amount or percentage of [财产的]不受限制的使用和目的的财产或财产的描述."

Recognition is up to you whether you prefer publicity, invitations to events or wish 保持匿名.


你想改变别人的生活吗? 准备堪萨斯城未来的劳动力? 资助一名大都会社区学院的学者! 你可以在你的学校申请奖学金 名字,你公司的名字或者是为了纪念或纪念你所爱的人.
